Crusader States

Noteworthy Adventuring Companies.
Only those listed who achieved significant accomplishments listed for now. One day perhaps the others will find themselves carved into some sort of memorial.

Company of Wanderers

Company of WanderersThe Company of Wanderers, a band of accomplished adventurers was commissioned to investigate the famously strange magics of the Akasian plain, said to be left over from the Mage Wars a thousand years ago.

In 2819, they triumphantly entered Pontezium carrying gifts of an ancient magical device and several strange crystals. The Company had discovered a lost pre-Miletian library with many valuable notes on the lost arts of the Blood Mages

They continued to explore through the surrounding regions. Some information was found, but nothing on the scale of their earlier works. Setting out once more upon adventure in 2863. They traveled into the Firefall East in search of a demon said to lair in the forest, but never returned.
The legacy of the Company lived on after 40+ years of service.

League of Virtue

League of Virtue
A group of warriors recruited for the way in which they held themselves to the highest of standards. The League immediately followed the legacy left by the Company of Wanderers. After leaving in 2866 they returned in 2869 with tales of an ancient dwarf-hold and the goblins that had infested it. Setting out once more they are never seen from again.


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