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Retirement Info

Conrad D. Schepp Jr. ; President

Easter is fast approaching. Happy Easter to one and all. It is almost time
for the WASCOE and WRASCOE annual meetings being held in Eau Claire on April
29 & 30 at the Plaza Hotel. Everyone should plan to attend the meetings and
share time with your friends. We hope to have a good attendance of WASCOE
and WRASCOE members at the session. That always helps with getting things
done at the meetings.

WRASCOE membership ,at last count, is at 98 which is short of the 2003-2004
numbers. Hopefully some of those who have not re-upped will do so by annual
meeting time. Current FSA employees can become associate members by sending
$15 to WRASCOE Secretary/Treasurer Evelyn Mueller, P.O. Box 163, Lone Rock,
Wi 53556. Dues year ends June 30, 2005. WRASCOE regular membership dues are
$20 per member--$10 stays with WRASCOE and $10 is sent to RASCOE.

WRASCOE and RASCOE (National Retirees) purpose is to maintain benefits that
we earned while working. It is easier to get the attention of our
legislators when we can tell them that we have an organization with 98
members who support particular legislation.

We thank Myrna Stevenson for printing our article each time. Others that we
thank are Jon Williams and Andy Bourget for their helps. We also thank Susan
Hunter for keeping us informed of retirees throughout the year. We thank
WASCOE, in general, for its support throughout our time as an organization.
We started in 1997.

Until next time, everyone have a Happy Easter and we plan to see you in Eau
Claire on April 29 and 30 at the Plaza Hotel.