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WASCOE Nice Job Award nominees for January:

           Monica Bartels, PT Crawford Co. – Monica and her family, the Keyes family from Belmont, continue a tradition that was started when she was a little girl.  Monica and her brothers and sisters started at home on Christmas Eve with a few Christmas carols to warm up.  Then they went to their Grandma's, sang for her and then brought her back to their home for the evening.  Once they dropped Grandma off, they continued their caroling for Grandma's friends.  They've met on Christmas Eve ever since.  The only time Monica hasn't made it was one year when they were snowed in - but the 4 or 5 people who could get there went caroling in spite of the bitter cold and snow.  Now they meet at Monica's brother's house on Christmas Eve and warm up for her Mother, who is 90.  They often have 3 generations caroling together.  Monica's children and their cousins have grown up singing on Christmas Eve.  They'd give up exchanging presents before they'd give up Christmas caroling.  They sing for the elderly, homebound, anyone who's been ill or a family who's had a tragedy.  Last year they had 5 carloads of family members carol on Christmas Eve.  At a time when people are caught up in their busy lives, it's nice to see a family make the time to continue a tradition.

           Brian Knudson, PT Rock Co. – Brian donates so much time to a Christmas Children's Benefit that he started 6 years ago.  Brian works at FSA full time and at Sears part-time to help bankroll the Benefit.  He provides Christmas dinner (bags and bags of groceries) along with clothing and toys for the entire family, with the gift wrap (so the parents can wrap the presents and know what their children are getting!)  He now supports approximately 200 families through his Benefit.  Brian works tirelessly and deserves recognition.

           Dennis Moore, PT Rock Co. - Dennis helps his nieces and nephews every year buy pigs for the fair.  He teaches them how to raise them and get them ready to show at the fair.  He is a good mentor.

Here are three special people who bring joy to others and ask for nothing in return.  Monica, Brian, and Dennis are examples of why it is truly better to give than receive.

To all three of you thank you for being part of the WASCOE family and congratulations on the NICE JOB you have done and for the great examples you set for all of us.